The Creative Frame Podcast: Episode 4 with Natalie Robinson

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You can listen to the interview with Natalie on iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify, and here on the website.

Today’s chat for the fourth episode is with Natalie Robinson who is a soulful in home family photographer in Dubai where she not only photographs families but also has projects that inspire other photographers like photo walk, creative exercises, and upcoming teaching.

Natalie has a beautiful use of connection to her subjects, use of light, and a defined style that shines through in her work. We talk about how she structures her family business in the unique market where she lives, how she found her photographic style (with tips you can use too), her creative projects and how they have helped her grow as a photographer and so much more.

You can find her online here:
Natalie’s Instagram
Natalie's Website

Natalie mentions Chloe Lodge and Cindy Cavanagh who inspired her Project 52 in 2020.

The Creative Frame Podcast fourth episode with Natalie Robinson

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